How do I sync my min/max prices in Informed on Amazon?
In order to avoid any discrepancies in your min/max prices between Informed Repricer and Amazon, you can sync your min/max prices between the two platforms.ย
Follow the steps below to download a template in our system that can then be uploaded to Amazon:
From the Uploads page in your account, download the "Set Amazon Min-Max Prices" template
Go to the Add Products via Upload page within your Seller Central account
Under the Upload File section, choose "Price & Quantity File" for the upload type.
Locate your .txt file on your computer and upload it
Please note: Because of the way we store min and max prices, only manually set min and max prices will be in this file, and not calculated min prices. We will always make sure that you are never priced outside of the parameters you set in our system, so you can comfortably set a low min and high max price (i.e. $0.01 and $1000) by editing the file you've downloaded from us and your listings will not be flagged by Amazon for potential pricing errors.
What happens if I receive pricing errors on Amazon?
If you have not set min/max prices on Amazon or if you have set them and they are are different than what is set in our system, your listings may be taken down due to "pricing errors".
Additionally, if your prices fall outside of what Amazon's internal algorithm decides is too low or too high, your items could be de-listed and/or flagged as having a potential pricing error. You will be notified by Amazon via e-mail when your listings have been taken down.
If this happens, Amazon has a document on their Seller Central Help Site detailing how to identify and unblock these listings.
Setting your min/max prices on Amazon so that your current price falls within the range you've defined will automatically relist any items taken down because of potential pricing errors.ย