The Analytics tab is broken down into two different sections. The top section includes links to your marketplace analytics, and the bottom section will show your Orders, Reports, and Price Changes pages.
Marketplace Analytics
By clicking Gross Sales, Profit, or Sales Volume, you will be taken to your Analytics page, where you can sort and filter by different date ranges going back up to 12 months. This data will be presented in both chart and table format.
Orders Page
The Orders page will display details of each sale made for your listings, including the following:
SKU: Clicking on the SKU will bring you to the Pricing Summary for this listing.
Order ID: The order number generated by your marketplace.
Listing Title: Clicking on the Listing Title will bring you to the Pricing Summary for this listing.
Order Status: Can be Shipped, Pending (not shipped), or Canceled. Profit will only be calculated for orders that have shipped. Pending and canceled orders will display N/A.
Price: The Total Item Price for the Order.
Profit: Cost and Cost Currency for a listing is required for the Profit to be calculated. Profit is calculated based on the cost at the time of the sale, meaning profit will not be updated if the cost price is changed.
Date: The date the order was placed.
Price Changes
The price changes page will contain details of each price change made. You can find all of the price changes made for a specific listing by entering the SKU in the "Search SKU..." box.
Each repricing event will contain the following information:
SKU: Clicking on the SKU will bring you to the Pricing Summary for this listing.
Listing Title: Clicking on the Listing Title will bring you to the Pricing Summary for this listing.
Old Price: The original price of the listing before the price change.
New Price: The price the listing was changed to. You can click on the blue "i" next to the new price for more information on why the change was made.
Date: The date/time the price change was made.