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Active vs inactive listings

Understand your listing status and how to adjust based on your listing limits

James Callandriello avatar
Written by James Callandriello
Updated over 12 months ago

All plans include a listing limit. This is the total number of listings that can be managed in your account.

Listing Status Types

Active:  Listings that are live with stock and actively being managed by Informed Repricer. 

Inactive:  Any listing with an inactive status will not be repriced nor display the competition or buy box price of an item.

  • Inactive (deleted): Merchant fulfilled (MFN or FBM listings) that have been deleted on the marketplace and display "deleted" in Informed Repricer. We do not have the ability to automatically delete your listings.

  • Inactive (Unmanaged): Unmanaging a listing is a way to exclude specific items from repricing. These listings are never modified, even when the listing is in stock.

  • Inactive (Out-Of-Stock): Your listing will become inactive(out of stock) when there is 0 inventory in the live column. Even if available inventory is listed on a SKU, the listing will not become active until the available inventory is relisted to reflect in the live column.

How Listings Are Managed

Once you add your marketplace all of your listings are downloaded and will be managed by default.

You can view your unmanaged listings by going to "Listing Views" menu and selecting "Inactive Listings". If you'd like to change the status of all your unmanaged listings click the "Change all Unmanaged listings to Managed" link at the top of the page.

Managing/Unmanaging SKUs

Individually on the listings page

  1. Click on the pencil icon in the first column of the listings page.

  2. Select Managed from the drop-down and choose "Yes/No"

  3. Click "Save" to apply your changes.

Multiple at a time

To change the status of multiple listings, check off each listing and select "Managed" from the Actions menu.

Using templates

To update the status on a large number of listings, it may be best to use a template. The "Manage or Unmanage Listings" templates contains the necessary columns to allow you to update the status on your listings.

  • Enter a "1" for listings you would like managed under the manage column

  • Enter a "0" for listings you would like unmanaged under the manage column

  • Save file and upload changes


  • A value must be entered for a change to apply, any field left blank will be ignored during the upload process. When uploading your changes please make sure that your file is in either .csv or .txt format.

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