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Managing your strategies

Understanding how to manage your repricing strategies

James Callandriello avatar
Written by James Callandriello
Updated over 12 months ago

How does strategy assignment work in Informed Repricer?

You can assign a strategy to an individual listing, a specific group, or many of your listings in bulk.  While a listing can only be assigned one strategy at a time, you can create as many strategies as you'd like to maximize the effective of your listing's repricing based on the circumstance.

On the Strategies page, strategies are organized by name into a "card" which provides a snapshot of how the strategy is configured. You can view the total number of assigned listings, strategy ID, strategy type, specifics about your Min and Max prices, the last modified date of the strategy, and some available 30-day performance analytics.

What are the different ways I can assign strategies?

One by one on the "Listings" page of your account

Strategies can be adjusted on an individual listing via the Listings page through a few different methods:

  1. You can adjust the strategy in-line by clicking on the dropdown icon on the Strategy column for a given listing

  2. You can also click the "pencil" edit icon to bring up the Edit Listing window. Once there the strategy can be adjusted manually and will be locked in when you hit Save.

This method is best used when you'd like to update the strategy for a specific SKU. Please note that selecting "None" will remove a strategy completely from an item.

Multiple Listings

Strategies can be adjusted in groups on the Listings page as well. This allows you to make modifications to various listings at once while in a filtered view.

To do this, simply click the checkboxes for each of the listings you want to adjust. Once at least one option has been selected, the bulk action toolbar will appear.

From here, click the Assign Strategy option and select the strategy you would like to assign to all listings which have been selected (check marked) and click Save.

Bulk Assign via the Strategies page

You can also make bulk modifications to strategies via the Strategies page itself. Clicking the assign icon directly to the right of the strategy name will bring you to the "Assign Strategy" pop-up that allows you to select a specific group of listings.

IMPORTANT:  Please remember that making multiple selections will not filter your items.  It will apply every item to every category that is checked.  For example, selecting your Amazon marketplace and MFN items will not filter just MFN items from that specific marketplace.  It will add every MFN item in your account and every item in that specific marketplace.

Using Upload Templates or Exports

If you have many listings and do not want them all using the same strategy, you can easily assign many listings to different strategies at a time using an upload template.

From the Uploads page, select "Set or Update Strategies" from the "Download a Template" menu. Once you have downloaded the template, locate the Strategy's unique ID from the Strategies page and paste it into the "STRATEGY_ID" column in the upload template.

You can also do the same using any data exported via Export button on the Listings page. Simply modify the STRATEGY_ID to the new strategy and re-upload the file on the Uploads page.

IMPORTANT: Leaving the "STRATEGY_ID" field blank will keep the listing configuration as is. To remove the strategy from a certain item, you must enter a 0 in this field.

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