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Uploading a file

Learn how to successfully upload a file

James Callandriello avatar
Written by James Callandriello
Updated over 12 months ago

Uploading a file from your Uploads page allows you to make a variety of bulk changes to your listings in a single upload. Informed Repricer's current upload process accepts files in .csv (comma separated values) and .txt format.

Some common examples of bulk changes that you can make with our uploads feature are:

  • Setting or updating cost on multiple listings

  • Assigning multiple listings to a strategy

  • Updating the min/max prices for multiple listings at a time

For common examples, such as the ones above, we provide multiple pre-existing templates that can be downloaded by selecting the green "Download a Template" button on the Uploads page (as shown below). These templates will come pre-populated with data from your account.

Please see our Upload Templates article for more information about our pre-existing templates.

Uploading a file

When creating an upload file, you have two options to begin:

  1. Create a new .csv or .txt file from scratch and enter in data manually

  2. Download an existing template (as mentioned above)

If you choose to create your own file from scratch, you will need to add column headers that are accepted by our system; otherwise, the headers will be created for you. For a list of accepted headers, please see our Uploads Templates article here.

Once you have confirmed the data to be updated and have added the appropriate column headers, you will need to enter the list of SKUs that you are looking to update. Following this, you are ready to input the appropriate data for the changes you'd like to make.ย 

Your file should now look something like this:

After entering all of the appropriate data, validating everything is accurate and saving your file, you can upload your file by navigating back to the Uploads page and select the Upload Your Changes button (as shown below).ย 

Simply select the file you saved earlier and your file will enter our Uploads queue and begin processing shortly.

After your file completes processing, you will be informed if all rows were updated successfully, or with errors, if some of the rows received an error. This information can be determined by viewing the Success Count and Error Count values for the upload that just processed.

NOTE: If your upload has any errors indicated by the Error Count, the listings that were successful indicated by Success Count, will still be updated in your account.

For more information about errors that can occur during an upload, please see our Uploads errors/failures article in our Help Center.

IMPORTANT: When uploading a file, there are a few important rules to follow when creating your file:

  • SKUs in an upload file are case sensitive and must match the SKU in your Informed Repricer account identically

  • Values in the files must be separated by commas for .csv file and tabs for .txt files

  • We will not make any changes to fields that are blank, instead you must enter a "0" (zero) for any field you would like to remove the pre-existing data

  • For all uploads the SKU and MARKETPLACE_ID columns are required in order for any changes to be made to your listings

Turning off email notifications

You will receive an email every time an upload file completes with errors. If you do not wish to receive an email every time a file completes uploading, but has errors, you can turn off these emails on the Profile page of your account.

If you choose to disable this email, you will only receive an email when your file fails in its entirety.

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