Webscraperapp is an Inventory management tool that makes it easy to manage and organize your online catalog. Informed Repricer's integration with Webscraperapp allows cost prices to be updated, as they change, via an integration.
With this integration set up, min and max price formulas can be created in our system to reflect a percentage or dollar amount above your items cost as it is provided via Webscraperapp . As your item cost changes in Webscraperapp and we receive it, your items min and max prices will update to reflect the new information allowing the most up to date prices with the correct margins to be sent to the marketplace.
In order to setup your integration with Webscraperapp you must first obtain the integration URL directly from Webscraperapp using the following steps:
In Webscraperapp navigate to Inventory > File Transfer
Under the Download Product List CSV right click the "Download Cost Update for AE CSV" button
Select "Copy Link Address"
Once these steps are complete simply follow these steps in your Informed Repricer account to complete the integration:
Navigate to Integrations page >Webscrapperapp
Paste the previously copied link address in the File URL field
Select your desired Upload frequency (1, 12, or 24 hours)
Select "Save"
Once the above steps are complete your integration will be setup and your cost prices will automatically be pulled in from Webscraperapp at your assigned frequency.
Informed Repricer will only pull cost prices from Webscraperapp; we will not pull listings, inventory or any other information from this integration.Β