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Backordered Listings

What you need to know about how we reprice Backordered Listings

Patrick Widdoss avatar
Written by Patrick Widdoss
Updated over 11 months ago

What are backordered listings?

When you fulfill your orders through Amazon, it’s possible that some of your items will be shipped from one fulfillment center to another due to a high demand of the product within specific regions, or their seasonality. This means that your items will be in-transit.

While your items are in-transit, they will have a ‘backordered’ status on the marketplace. Amazon will not notify you when this takes place, nor can you prevent it from occurring without paying a fee.

If your items are ‘backordered’ (in transit), but already live on the Amazon offer page for customers to purchase, Informed Repricer will continue to reprice your listings regularly according to your strategy settings.

How do backordered listings work with the Get The Buy Box strategy?

If you're using our Get The Buy Box Algorithm, we will only make an initial price change to put your price in line with your competitor in the buy box, but will not lower your price in attempt to chase the buy box while your offer is still back ordered. We will only start to lower your price again if you do not get the buy box once your item is no longer backordered.

Pre-Ordered items, which could be MFN, SFP, or FBA will be treated as backordered.

Can I prevent my listings from repricing against backordered competition?

If you do not want to price against competition that has backordered items you can use our Exclude Backordered Competition exclusion setting.

This exclusion setting allows you to ignore offers who are out of inventory and are listed as Backordered; these offers will take longer to arrive to a buyer and are less competitive.

You can find this exclusion setting in your strategy settings for the Build Your Own strategy.

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