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Listings Page Overview

Learn about the listings page and its various functions

James Callandriello avatar
Written by James Callandriello
Updated over a year ago

What is the listings page?

The Listings page acts as the primary page for viewing all listings information on many items at once. It functions similar to a table where each listing represents a row and columns each represent different pieces of data for a listing. This table below shows all the fields/columns that are currently available on the listings page:


Listing Title






Your Price

Competition Price

Buy Box Status





Sales Rank


Stock Cost Value

Date of Last Sale

Days Since Buy Box

Date Added




What additional information can I find on the Listings page?

There are also various fields on the listings page that can be hovered over to show tooltips with useful pieces of information. Below are details of the various fields that contain tooltips that will show when hovered over:

Listing Title: The Listing Title field tooltip will display the full title in cases where the title has been cut off due to column size.

Profit, Min, and Max: The Profit field tooltip will display a breakdown of how the profit is being calculated for your current price. On the other hand, hovering over the Min or Max field will display a breakdown of how the profit is calculated for the min price and max price shown.

Your Price: The Your Price and Competition field tooltip will contain details about your offer or your competition's based on which field you hover over; details will include things such as the Item Price, Shipping, Featured status, and Prime status.

Competition: The Competition field will not only display the same details as Your Price, except about your competition, but is can also provide quick visual indicators of when action may need to be taken on an item such as:

  • Competition is below your min price: If you notice a yellow warning indicator, pictured below, under the competition column this is a quick visual that lets you know the competition is currently below your min price. You can also hover over the competition column to see a description letting you know exactly what the alert stands for.

How can I bulk edit listings?

From the Listings page many bulk actions can be taken on listings at once. You can start to take bulk actions on items by selecting either a single checkbox on the left side of a given listing or by selecting the empty checkbox at the top of the listings table to select all items on that page.

At this time, the following actions can be performed in bulk on the new listings page:

  • Assign strategies in bulk

  • Add or remove tags in bulk

  • Manage or Unmanage listings in bulk

  • Delete items from Informed Repricer in bulk

How can I filter what I'm seeing on the listings page?

At the top of the listings page there are various filter options which allow you to more granularly select the data you are currently viewing; you can even add multiple filters which will allow you narrow down the exact information you are viewing for analytics and to make it easier to take bulk actions.

Filtering the page is simple, just click the + Add Filter button shown on the top left of the listings page to select the exact information you would like to filter by. You can add multiple filters to the page at any time to focus down which type of listings you would like to look at.

For more information, please visit our Filtering your listings article.

How can I create a custom view with saved filters?

Informed Repricer allows you to save a custom view of the listings page with pre-defined filters so that you can more easily accessed a specific set of data.

Custom Views are designed to save you time while managing your listings via the Listings Page. It will enhance your ability to interact with the Listings Page by creating your own view with pre-set filters and columns.

Add any filters and columns to the Listings Page that you want in your Custom View. You'll notice once you make any changes to your existing view the Save button will enable.

Then, click "Save" and give your Custom View a unique name. Once you give it a name, you'll be able to access it at any time from the Listings Page via the View drop-down on the top left corner of the listings page table directly to the left of the Add Filter option.
For more information, please visit our Custom Views help center article.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I export data from the listings page?

  • You can export all of the data on the listings page by clicking the Export button visible directly above the column headers. This export button will export all fields and will follow any filters that are currently set so that you can export only the listings that would like to.

Can I re-upload a file that I exported after making changes?

  • All listing page exports are exported in the same format, meaning same column headers, as our upload templates so that they can be easily edited and reuploaded to our system via the Uploads page at any time.

How can I sort on a specific column?

  • You can sort on any column by simply clicking on the column header. If the sort is ascending and you would like to switch it to descending order, or vice versa, simply click the header again.

Can I move columns into a different order or resize the columns?

  • Any column can be moved left or right to reorder the listings page columns by clicking on the header and dragging the column to where you would like it moved. Any item that is dragged to the left-side section can be pinned so that it is always visible when scrolling.

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